Lauder Javne School
The Lauder Javne Foundation School, designed by Csaba Virág and Judit Z. Halmágyi, was built in 1996 on the north-eastern slope of János Hill along Budakeszi Road. The complex features three main wings visible from the road and a gymnasium building behind them, all centered around a dome-covered hall.
The current expansion project involves adding six classrooms and a smaller gym. This new building, connected to the existing school, is partially submerged into the steep hillside and structurally independent, with a gymnasium in the basement and classrooms on the upper level. This expansion enhances the school’s facilities while maintaining harmony with the existing architecture and landscape.
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Function: Public
Status: Built
Gross Area: 1.500 sqm
Architecture: Tiba Architects Studio
Lead designer: Angéla Deczky, Márton Szecsey
Designers: Róbert Kazsimérszky, Pál Bécser